I have
officially been featured in my first fashion article. Okay, so it may have been my high school yearbook, but
that's almost as good as Vogue, right? This was in the "Personal Style" section, along with about 8 other people. I was very honored to have been chosen, since my style hasn't been very unique until the end of my junior year. Every year that goes by seems to give me more and more inspiration for why I should dress better than I used to. I have realized that when you dress better, you take on life is kicked up a notch. People take you more seriously, you are more likely to be productive (which is a big problem in my life). Because I've moved on to college now I've realized that you can't start math homework at 11:30pm when it's due at 11:59pm. I've also learned to understand that my hair, makeup and outfit don't have to be absolutely perfect everyday. My morning ritual is to wake up, check out the latest posts on all my favorite fashion blogs (featured on the right side of the page!) and see if I get any inspiration. If not, I look through my own personal look book. My look book is a collection of hundreds of pictures cut from magazines dating from 2006. Although the beginning part of my
look book is filled with tube tops, stretchy skirts and sequined purses, it still inspires me. I love looking to see how my style has evolved over the years. If you haven't made something like this for yourself already, I would highly recommend it. Not only is it a good reminder of where fashion trends evolved from, but it is also a way to cut down on the clutter of endless fashion magazines. I started my look book because I had too many magazines, and although I loved them all, some of them only had one or two good pages. So, I ripped out pages or cut out outfits I liked and suddenly I had an evolving fashion magazine of my own! All you need to do this is a 2 or 3 inch binder, depending on how much stuff you're planning on putting in it, a 3 hole punch for pages out of magazines, blank pieces of paper to glue small cut-outs on, fashion magazines, gluesticks and your imagination! Because you aren't following any rules as how to make this look book, it can become anything you want it to be. Happy look booking!
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